Flatirons Basic Training

As a prerequisite to Intentional Apprenticeship we are also launching a number of optional, but highly recommended, accountability sessions for those walking through Basic Training. Whether you have already completed Basic Training or still need to complete it in order to participate in Intentional Apprenticeship, we love for you to join us on Wednesday nights starting on March 9, 2016.   

Since Basic Training is a 22-day plan, we recommend starting as soon as possible. Basic Training books are available at FOH, Video Control, as well as the Info Desk at each campus. 

Flatirons Basic Training - Dates & Times

 Our reading and meeting plan is as follows:

  • Begin daily reading with the plan to complete Section 1 - Day 1 thru 9, by March 8th.
  • Review Section 1 with our team at the Lafayette Campus on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 from 7pm - 8pm.
  • Continue daily reading plan and complete Section 2 - Day 10 thru 14, by March 15th.
  • Review Section 2 with our team at the Lafayette Campus on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 7pm - 8pm.
  • Continue daily reading plan and complete Section 3 - Day 15 thru 22, by March 29th.
  • Review Section 3 with our team at the Lafayette Campus on Wednesday, March 30, 2016.
  • Take a week off and prepare for five (5) weeks of Intentional Apprenticeship beginning on April 6th!

Intentional Apprenticeship

Jesus offers an abundant life to every one of his followers. It is meant to be a life where we slowly and incrementally grow to be more like him. This doesn’t happen automatically. We do it by becoming Jesus’ apprentices. We come under him and start learning from him. We start working on ourselves, with the hope that we will be a little more like him, a little more lined up with his kingdom.

During this 5 week training, we will offer you an experience of this work. You will target an area of your life for spiritual growth, and you will work on it and expect it to change.

Intentional Apprenticeship Training – Commitment

There is a cost for life change. As a result, this 5 week training will require a commitment from you. Here are the requirements for Flatirons Apprenticeship Training:

  • You need to have worked through and finished Flatirons Basic Training in order to join us.
  • We will meet over a 5 week period with 6 weekly meetings: April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2016 from 7pm - 8pm. Please check your calendar to make sure you can attend each of these meetings.
  • Most of the real work will be done by you during the week. This work will average 30 minutes per day.
  • There will be two, 1 hour personal retreats.
  • You will meet with several people during one week.
  • You will memorize 3-4 scriptures.
  • Flatirons Intentional Apprenticeship for the Weekend Production Team will cost $20. If cost is an issue, please note it on the registration form.