Monitors and adjusts iris, Frame rate and on occasions white balance and shutter speed of all live cameras.

interested in serving as a camera shader?


Stationary camera located within the auditorium on a tripod in the house, or in front of the stage. Uses Pan arms with lens controls for focus and zoom.

camera normally located at Front of House. This camera usually will capture sliding shots of the worship team/ teaching Pastor. Stage wide, Head to toe and Inseam up are the common shots

camera located in the house mounted on an 18ft arm to get unique moving shots.

Mobile camera located on-stage (handheld), typically getting close-up shots of band and instruments. They could also roam the room for special events.

interested in serving as a camera operator?


Responsible for the presentation of graphics, character generated content and backup video playback during the weekend services. Also, responsible for the presentations of lyrics, scripture verses and message notes during the weekend services. *Must be able to follow along and move quickly.

interested in serving as a cg operator?


Responsible for presenting the Teaching Pastor’s teleprompter or bullet points during weekend services. Maintains real-time synchronization throughout the message, follows along, moves quickly, and staying focused are essential skills.

interested in serving as a Teleprompter operator?


Assists the Video Director by keeping track of upcoming service elements. Announces important moments throughout worship and the teaching, including but not limited to: countdowns, transitions, and song sections (intros, solos, breaks, leads, etc.). Assists in preparing cameras for pre-determined shots. Drops in the Resi cues.

Responsibilities Include:

      • Announcing cues, transitions, song sections (intros, solos, breaks, leads), etc. for Directors

      • Guiding cameras to important shots, especially during worship

      • Dropping in RESI cues for Campuses

interested in serving as an assistant director?


Responsible for starting/stopping/monitoring streams (Lafayette lobby, church website, Facebook, & YouTube), recording devices (KiPros & Helos), and helping the Broadcast Director when needed. Coordinates with Broadcast Director, Broadcast Audio Engineer, and Lobby Audio Engineer, and the  Communications team to keep everyone on the same page

Responsibilities Include:

      • Hitting “Record” on KiPros and Helos

      • Monitoring the RESI Events

      • Assisting the Broadcast Director when needed

      • Timing and speed of work is preferred

      • Trim and Upload videos throughout the morning

      • Play videos from CG4

interested in serving as a broadcast producer?


Leader of the weekend video team—Assistant Director, Shaders, ProPresenter Operators and Camera Operators. Responsible for executing all cuts, dissolves, graphics, video playbacks, and transitions (using the video switcher) throughout weekend services as it relates to the image magnification (IMAG) side screens and Online Broadcast experience.

Responsibilities Include:

      • Leading the weekend video team and assisting in the oversight and troubleshooting of video equipment

      • Cutting the video for the IMAG Side Screens & Online Broadcast

      • Reviewing game film with the video team between services, to encourage the team and improve for the next service

      • Connecting with all volunteer ops before services to discuss expectations for service flow and technique

interested in serving as a video director?