What happens after I sign up?

Once you push the “submit” button on the Volunteer Interest Form, you’re on your way to becoming an integral part of the experience that happens every weekend at Flatirons! Whether you’ve been here a week or many years, you know that the audio, video and lighting are center to each quality service, three times a weekend. It’s ALL done with volunteers like you, with training and coaching from the Flatirons Production staff!

Within a week of submitting your interest form, someone will be in touch with you to schedule a time before or after a service to meet you to give you a tour “behind the scenes,” and answer any questions you may have. From there we will schedule a one-on-one meeting with one or two of the Production staff, or a group meeting, for an Orientation session. This will provide a more in-depth overview of all of the volunteer positions and allow us to connect with you by getting to know your story. We want to know you as a person and your journey with faith! This will take place either over coffee or lunch, on us to give us a little more time to get to know each and every one of you!

Once Orientation is completed, you’ll schedule a time with staff to “shadow” in the control room or on a camera for an entire Saturday or Sunday program, including dress rehearsal, a production meeting, and services. it is a major time commitment but is crucial to help you see, hear, and feel the back stage atmosphere and pace. Hopefully, this will also clarify for you what position(s) you are interested in learning more about. We want this to be a comfortable and supportive volunteer experience for you, and be the best fit for both you and the Production Team. Food is provided, of course!

Following your “shadowing” experience, you are welcome to sign up for as much training, in as many areas, as you would like. These are typically one to three hour sessions to be scheduled for a time that best fits all schedules.

After your training, you’re on the rotating schedule for volunteering! For the first few services, you can have a coach sit with you, so you won’t be alone. Between services, the staff plays back one song (called “game film”) to provide feedback to the volunteers. The entire Production Team is constantly learning and honing skills! Plus, there will be food! (Notice a pattern?!)

The period between filling out your Volunteer Interest Form and actually volunteering may take a few weeks, depending on when Orientation, shadowing and training are scheduled, but it is to your advantage so you feel as comfortable as possible once you take over your volunteer position. Have no fear, we will be right beside you the entire way helping you learn by encouraging you. this is an atmosphere of love, grace and gratitude so that you are excited to spread the word of god! You can follow our training calendar on our website (no food provided for that.)

We hope you’ll consider joining us in helping people bump into jesus!